Duplication of Animations, Level of Detail, Loading Indicator, and More
January 24, 2019
Duplication of animations
With the new update, you can animate a puppet, duplicate it and the duplicated puppet will have all the animations intact. This also includes duplication of an object that has other objects linked with animations—animations in those objects will be duplicated with the objects as well.
Full tutorial — How duplicate animation on Youtube
Level of Detail
The following feature might be useful for those who have scenes with a large amount of high-poly models and want to improve the performance in those scenes. It would also require a basic knowledge of 3D editing software.
Now you can import models with a level of detail. Level of detail or LOD involves decreasing the complexity of a 3D model representation as it moves away from the viewer. In short, it makes real-time rendering more performant and will help you to make high-fidelity, optimized scenes in Tvori. For example, you can sculpt something in Medium or Masterpiece, set up LOD for that sculpt and then import it to Tvori—up close that sculpt will be quite detailed but won't affect the performance as much. Learn how to set up LODs.
This is the first iteration of the feature. Ideally, in the further iterations, this kind of optimization should be performed automatically.

Starting & Loading Screen
We updated the starting screen and the loading indicator. Now, when a scene is loading or you're exporting something it will be clearly indicated in VR and on the desktop screen. We fixed visual glitches and screen freezes when going from one scene to another.

Switching Between Projects
The 2D menu now will be storing the paths to the last 5 opened projects making it faster to switch between the projects.

Quality Settings
The 2D menu now also allows switching between quality levels, so if you feel like the performance isn't good you can switch to the lowest quality that disables shadows and decreases detalization of models with LODs.

All Improvements & Fixes of the Update
Duplication of Animations
Support of LODs in Tvori
New starting screen
Improved loading Indication
Showing the list the last 5 opened projects in 2D menu
Exporting rotation of the sun in FBX & Alembic when exporting the whole scene
Photo spawned from the camera on a scene is undoable
Improve scaling controls on the fog
Fixed switching back pages on Poly shelf
Renamed "up to button" from "root" to "Stuff" (on the import shelf)
Renamed some assets from the shelf
Added a sphere with inverted faces to the shelf in Primitive pack. For example, it`s might be useful for cartoon eyes.
Now an exported Alembic file will contain transforms of light sources
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